Aguacate Lamb Hass


The new avocado varieties released by the University of California originate from several years of research aimed at developing new traits which adapt to the actual demands of the markets.

The range of new varieties is promising, including earlier-fruiting varieties, late varieties to extend the season, increased per-tree yields, etc.

Caracteristicas generales:

Lamb Hass originated from a selected seed from the cross pollination of Gwen (a ‘grandchild’ of Hass). Lamb Hass has many commercially valuable characteristics.

The main difference between Lamb Hass and Hass is that the former reaches maturity later. This would allow Hass growers to extend their production all over the year.

Parentage: Hybrid.

Rind texture: Coarse.
Type of flowering: A.
Colour of immature rind: Black.
Colour of mature rind: Black.
Rind thickness: Medium.
Seed/rind/flesh ratio: 15/14/71.
Reaches maturity later than Hass.
Plagas y enfermedades:
Both varieties are classified as 'sensitive'.
The mother plant was grafted by the California State Department of Agriculture to avoid the 'Sublotch' virus.
More tolerant than Hass to persea mite.
Pear-shaped fruit.
Fruit colour is black when mature, green when immature.
Fruit size varies depending on growing practices. Generally larger than Hass. Weight: 280-320 g.
Fruit shape varies depending on proximity to the sea, distance among fruits, and distance among trees.
Lamb Hass trees produce 29-198 fruits per tree, with an average of 108, i.e. higher than Hass.
Lamb Hass starts marketable production two years after planting.
The rind is medium-coarse, thinner and less flexible than Hass.
Like Hass, this variety is easily peeled.
Fruit oil content is 2/3 of Hass in the early season (March-May), 3/4 in July and 9/10 in September.
Árbol y follage:
Like Hass, Lamb Hass trees present a vigorous growth.
7 m tall x 5 m wide.
Leaf colour is darker.
Type A flowers.
More regular in production, with less tendency to alternate bearing.
Fruit peduncles are extremely short for Lamb Hass (about 7 cm) (shorter than Hass).